
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dog Farts.

What is Shane Playing Tonight?!
A whole lot of nothing. I sent that kid on a Wal-mart run. 
; )

Alright, so get ready for this. 
 I have a  new man on my life. 
Yeah. . Mind blown, right?!

Let me tell you, He is a hunk. 
He loves to snuggle and he is such a smoocher. 
His name is Mickey, has some gorgeous dark hair, and is alllll muscle. 
And the best part of the whole thing, Shane is totally down with him. 
Totally hit the jackpot, right?!

Okay. So if you haven't already guessed this new man of mine has four legs and is currently sitting on my lap panting away. I have been tossing around the idea of getting a dog for a while, I have done some research on animals and depression, which is something that I have struggled with as you guys know, so I thought I would see if a four legged friend would maybe help me out. Through a weird serious of events, Shane and I kind of ended up with a 3 year old English Bulldog. He is such a lovable old oalf. For example, this guy is currently sleeping with his butt up in the air and his head ostriching the couch. . I kind of love him : )

Pictures tomorrow possibly?!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Youtube is Hard!!!

What is Shane playing tonight?!
More friggen Madden.

Alrighty guys, I am wicked bummed. I was so psyched to post my video for you all and to get my co-hosting on but unfortunately my camera chose to through a hissy fit. We got our house all clean, a little filming spot all set up, a fully charged camera and now the damn thing won't focus! I pretty sure we did about thirty takes and none of them are actually focused on our face :(

Needless to say I am a sad panda tonight. 
Also, word to the wise, falling in the sand at the beach with your camera to catch your fall is probably not a good life choice. . All I hear now are little crunches :(( 

We are planning on having another video shot by next weekend. We will be down with our families for some pre-holiday celebrating and hopefully I can sweet talk my lovely mother into letting me "borrow" her camera. .Although I thinking that may require a bribe or two!


Monday, November 3, 2014

Drum Roll Please!!!

What is Shane Playing Tonight?!
Believe it  or not, we are actually watching other people play video games. . 
You guys should check out the Angry Video Game Nerd on YouTube. 
He is pretty awesome.
(And that is coming from someone that doesn't know whole lot about video games!)

Ready for happy news?!
(Or at least happy for me?! And possibly you know that I think about it?!)

It is nothing major but I have actually decided to give the whole Co-host aspect of this blog a shot :)
Meaning over the next week, I am planning on filming a short little something something to post up here and maybe even on youtube! Who knows what it will be about or even how long it will be but I am excited. I mean, I spend so much friggen time watching Youtube videos of all of these awesome girls creating things, trying all of these different looks, and hauling all of these cute clothes that I finally have decided to give it a real shot. I hope you guys peek back in to see what I come up with! I am thinking Sunday night. . Don't make any plans, yo. 
Just kidding. .
But seriously come watch ; )

love your stinkin faces. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Bugging Out. .

What is Shane playing tonight?!
(Pretty sure that is only because he is currently in the shower : ))

Eating healthy stinks. .
But being unhealthy sucks too.
There lies my struggle

Like I mentioned before, I am very much a believer of accepting yourself the way that you were made and it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks as long as you are happy with you. . And right now I am trying to get happy with myself again. I still am working on taking that extra bit of pride in the way that I look and dress but I have decided that I want to take it a step further. I am trying to get into a healthier way of eating than I have had over the last few years. 
I am not sure if it is because that I am starting to notice my loved ones getting older and struggling with their health or just the way that I have been physically feeling lately but I realized that getting healthy is something that I am wanting to focus on lately. 
However, it has been a slow start. 
The one thing that I managed not to screwed up was cutting out soda, which I am proud of because I was a HUGE Pepsi drinker. Up until I stopped drinking it, I was up to about two cans a day. I mean every once in a while a ice cold glass is amazing but I had gotten to the point where I didn't even enjoy it anymore. And as much as I want a glass right now, I am glad that I haven't had any all week! I have the hardest time sticking to things, no matter what it is, so this as lame as this little baby step may seem, I feel pretty dang good about it : ) 
The other thing that I think I struggle with (besides having any semblance of willpower) is not having enough knowledge. There are so many websites and pins to follow about weight loss and getting healthy that it is almost overwhelming. I think that it tends to make me a little over ambitious with what to try and what to eat. You get all these good idea and see all of these good recipes but by the time that you spend all the money to try them, it is hard not to get discouraged when they aren't what was expected. . Does anybody else get stuck in this rut or is it just me?!

Well enough of my rambling. . I am getting sleep and am probably going to round up something healthy to munch on before bed. If anyone has any good tips or info. .  please share!! Plus encouragement is always welcome!!

Peace. yo.