What is Shane Playing Tonight?!
A whole lot of nothing. I sent that kid on a Wal-mart run.
; )
Alright, so get ready for this.
I have a new man on my life.
Yeah. . Mind blown, right?!
Let me tell you, He is a hunk.
He loves to snuggle and he is such a smoocher.
His name is Mickey, has some gorgeous dark hair, and is alllll muscle.
And the best part of the whole thing, Shane is totally down with him.
Totally hit the jackpot, right?!
Okay. So if you haven't already guessed this new man of mine has four legs and is currently sitting on my lap panting away. I have been tossing around the idea of getting a dog for a while, I have done some research on animals and depression, which is something that I have struggled with as you guys know, so I thought I would see if a four legged friend would maybe help me out. Through a weird serious of events, Shane and I kind of ended up with a 3 year old English Bulldog. He is such a lovable old oalf. For example, this guy is currently sleeping with his butt up in the air and his head ostriching the couch. . I kind of love him : )
Pictures tomorrow possibly?!
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