What is Shane Playing Tonight?!!
Get used to it folks, it is going to be a long ride.
Please forgive the lack of touch ups to the photos and my bright orange pajamas : )
My lovely youngest sister was kind enough to get me a $20 gift card to Joann's for my birthday and I finally made up my mind on what I wanted to do with it this weekend. ( And let me just say how hard it is to only spend twenty bucks in that place. Damn near impossible, especially when you have a Pinterest addication :) )
This one is one of my favorites. I found
her on that That Dank Wench. The fashion
on her page is AMAZING. Check her out! |
Lately, I have been really into the adorable head chains that are popping up all over Pinterest but I haven't seen them much in stores. . Mind you, I live in a town that the mall houses a major department store in an area slightly bigger than my apartment. I did my best to search online but so much of the summer fashion is floral and floral crowns, which are equally adorable but just not what I was looking for, and the ones that I did find were a bit on the spendy side.
So after an hour of two of shopping and another hour on Pinterest, I decided that I was going to make my own. Weirdly enough, I didn't find too many tutorials for these on the internet but I figured that it couldn't be too hard and gave it shot!

This is how mine turned out!! I just got some simple chain from Joann's. (Thank you, Syd :D ) I friggen love them. I actually made two other ones but I couldn't find them when I was posting this. They were really easy to make and I like that they are so easy to customize. I already have ideas for a few more that I am going to make for myself and a few friends. A friend suggested that I post them on Etsy, what you guys think? Would any of you be interested in one if I listed a few?! Let me know!! I am thinking about posting a tutorial on how to make these bad boys sometime in the future too!
Love all of your stinkin faces : )
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