
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy Madden Day

What is Shane playing tonight?
What else. . Madden NFL 15

Sooo. Happy Madden Day Everybody. . 
Especially all of those bored girlfriends/boyfriends sitting through yet another draft. 

For those of you readers that might not now, Madden 26 came out last night. At my house, today rivals Christmas. Sadly I am not kidding, there is a countdown and the whole next day the television is reserved specifically for Madden. We have multiple notebooks dedicated to different plays and runs for the upcoming year. There is some serious dedication to this game. . By the end of Madden "season", Shane's beard rivals the homeless guy living on the bench downstairs from my house. 

Although I do not share in the madness that is Madden Day, I did find this video that made the day a little more bearable. (Plus I can totally relate to the girlfriend in this video: ) ) 

Annnnd can I just say that Dave Franco is a babe?!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


So I have failed myself. 
And worse of all, I have failed you guys. 
Sorry : /

When I first started this blog, I was excited with the possibilities of where this blog could go and updating it with all of the projects/DIYs that I wanted to share with everyone out there in InternetLand. And honestly, even though we live in a land of Facebook and text message, I wanted this blog to be a way that I could feel a little less lonely in a new town and a little closer to home. . 

Unfortunately, I let that loneliness get the best of me. I have struggled off and on these last few years with being depressed and Seasonal Affective Disorder. And trust me, they both kind of suck. You get totally overwhelmed by the smallest things and the bigger projects turn into a trek up the Rockies wearing a pair of flip flops. Everything begins to become so draining and even with the best intentions, things/projects/goals suffer.Hence, the complete lack in blog posts over the last month or so.  

However, there is a little silver lining to this rain cloud. 
After a few days laying around in bed, a pity party of one, and a gnarly case of bed head, you start to realize that it is the little stuff does make it a little bit easier and that you miss being happy. (I am in no way saying that it is an immediate switch and that you can just decide to not be depressed/overwhelmed.) But little by little those small things add up and actually swapping out the leggings for a real pair of pants in the morning seems like a reachable goal. 

I am not going to promise posts on a specific day of the week because anyone who knows me knows that I suck at being on time. But I am going to be a consistent in posting.  No more month long absences and a lot less pity parties on my part. 

Soooo keep your eyes out, posts will be up soon!